
I was feeding my grandson, Kaleb some carrots. He really likes them! I was giving him a bite and my face was close to his. We were deep in conversation as he enjoyed his lunch. He was making faces and smiling at me. That’s when it happened…

No time for me to react. As he smiled so sweetly at me, he sneezed. A BIG sneeze. Aaaa, ahhh….choo! Carrots went flying all over my face! I was covered with orange carrot freckles & baby spit!

I just had to laugh. I laughed so much my belly hurt. It makes me think of all the blessings I have in my life. All the times I can choose joy!

“A man (or woman) has joy by the answer of his (or her) mouth and a word spoken in due season , how good it is!” Proverbs 15:23

How we react to situations effects the outcome. I know this situation is silly, is light and invokes laughter. How can I not laugh. Kaleb had the biggest grin..not knowing what was so funny. Buy Grammy was laughing and that made us both happy.

Sometimes things happen to us during our day and perhaps we react in anger or another emotion and that makes us miss the moment to speak or react in JOY.

JOY, JOY, JOY…I choose to speak and react with JOY

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Bringing Glory to Jesus IAMHIZ·THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019 Life is complicated and I can get weary. When all seems lost and I don’t know where to turn, I turn to Jesus. He is my Strength & my Deliverer. In Him I trust. I enjoy each moment because it will not come again. My name is Tami. I am an ordinary wife, mother, mother-in-law, sister, friend, and now a Grammy! This is my grandson Kaleb telling me a story! I have no special abilities. I laugh, I cry, I hurt, I see joy. Well, actually I do have a superpower... My Super Power is JESUS living within me. I AM HIZ. He is mine. As we journey together, I hope I can cheer you on, inspire you and tell you about Him who gives me Hope & Joy, JESUS. There is joy in the little things, the warm sun on my face, dancing in the rain, a butterfly fluttering by, smelling Kaleb’s sweet baby head (oh that sweet Baby Magic smell!), holding my husband’s hand, a hot cup of coffee with my Bud, a gentle breeze, a flower opening. There is joy in the big things, loving Jesus and allowing Him to guide my life, the love and protection of my husband, spending time with my sons, Ricky & Benjamin and their beautiful wives, Colleen & Molly, snuggling my precious grandson Kaleb, spending time with my brothers & their families, enjoying fellowship with my Bible study girlfriends. Life needs to be put in the right perspective. Things will not be perfect and life hurts us...but we can choose joy. We can choose to look for the good. Be careful not to miss out on the moment while you are worrying about tomorrow or wishing things were different. I try to keep my focus on Jesus. When I do, my trials don’t seem as overwhelming, the storms don’t rage as strong. I know He is working in and through the trials. I can get through this. You can too.

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